Children's Sermon - Aug 27, 2023 - God Has Plans for You ▶3:46
Children's Sermon 10-22-23: The Beatitudes for Today ▶6:28
Children's Sermon 4 2 17 ▶5:01
Children's Sermon Lesson: Chosen by God from Ephesians 1:3-14 ▶7:03
Children's Sermon 3/10/2024- My Father's House ▶2:28
Children's Sermon July 2, 2023 ▶15:30
Children’s Sermon (4/9/23) ▶4:18
Childrens Sermon 7 29 18 ▶5:09
Object Lesson on Faith (Luke 17:5-10) Children's Sermon Message ▶7:49
"Thirst For God" Children's Sermon 8/1/21 ▶5:24
All Saints Lutheran Church Children's Sermon 07 30 2023 1 ▶7:43
FBC Children's Sermon 5-14-2023 ▶4:28
Children's Sermon 8 14 16 ▶5:18
3rd Sunday After Pentecost Sermon & Children's Message ▶16:04
Watch the Children's Sermon from March 10...Enjoy! ▶5:28
Children's Sermon - Mother's Day ▶3:44
10th Sunday after Pentecost Sermon & Children's Message ▶13:00
Childrens sermon Sept 3, 2017 ▶3:27
12th Sunday after Pentecost Sermon & Children's Message ▶15:25
Lely Presbyterian Church Children's Message12 ▶4:34
Children's Sermon 4-15-18 ▶4:49
Children's Sermon May 29, 2022 ▶3:57
Children's Sermon 4-20-14 "Easter Sunday" ▶7:34
Children's Sermon 6-27-21 ▶4:51
11-Year-Old Minister Delivers Riveting Sermon ▶8:46
Learning to be grateful - children's sermon ▶4:19
Children's Sermon - Who is God's Favorite? ▶4:03
Children's sermon 082320 ▶6:10
Children Sermon ▶6:51
Children's Sermon - Are You Special? ▶2:43
Children's Sermon - August 27th, 2023 ▶3:39
2nd Sunday after Pentecost Sermon & Children's Message ▶15:21
Children's Sermon ▶0:51
Children's Sermon Lesson Genesis 22:1-14 The Sacrifice of Isaac ▶9:36
Walk Through the Bible with Kids' Life - The Sermon on the Mount ▶7:57
Easter Sunday Sermon & Children's Message - Grace Lutheran Church ▶10:22
Children’s Sermon (6/18/23) ▶10:20
How To Be A Blessing Everywhere - Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7 Children's Sermon - Kid's Bible Lessons ▶2:58
Childrens sermon Jesus Baptism Matthew 3 13 17 ▶7:34
7th Sunday After Easter Sermon & Children's Message - Grace Lutheran Church ▶13:21
Children's Sermon 11-24-2013 "Christ the King" ▶6:45
Improv Children's sermon - How Marker's are like God's love... ▶5:48
Children's Sermon (Matthew 11:2-11) John the Baptist. Signs Object Lesson for December 15, 2019 ▶6:47
Children's Sermon - Christ the King Sunday, 2021 ▶3:56
Childlike Faith: How to Have Childlike Faith | May 7, 2023 Sermon ▶20:00
Baby Dedication & Sermon: Five Secrets Of The Christian Life (Ephesians 1:15-23) ▶39:25
How to Grow In Your Faith - Acts 2:42-47 Children's Sermon - Kid's Bible Lessons ▶3:23
Children's Sermon Lesson Acts 9:36-43 Serve for God's Glory (Dorcas Tabitha Raised by Peter) ▶7:50
The Children's Sermon for Seeing is Believing ▶1:20
Don't Complain! Children's Sermon ▶5:00
Children's Sermon Lesson: Pastor Appreciation Day and Jesus as our Priest (Hebrews 5:1-10) ▶8:05
Baby Dedication (Deuteronomy 6: 4-9) 5/17/15 ▶20:55
Today's Children's Sermon ▶4:15
Children's Sermon Lesson: Don't Miss Jesus! (Luke 2:41-52) Boy Jesus in the Temple ▶8:57
Children's Sermon Lesson (1 Timothy 2) Prayer Partners ▶8:15
Priscilla Shirer: Raising Your Children to Follow God | Praise on TBN ▶53:04
Kids' Sermon- Who Is Jesus? 9/17/2023 ▶8:04
Importance of Child Dedication - Rev. Dan Mwirigi ▶34:44
The Temptation of Christ - Children's Sermon from Matthew 4:11 ▶8:36
This Past Sunday's Children's Sermon ▶4:18
Palm Sunday Children's Sermon - Triumphant Entry Object Lesson ▶8:53
9th Sunday after Pentecost Sermon & Children's Message ▶20:03
Children's Sermon - July 16, 2023 ▶6:11
"Jesus' Keys To Raising Children" Sermon, Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. ▶27:36
Baby Dedication ▶5:35
Christmas Children's Sermon on the Birth of Jesus (Matthew 1:18-25) Object Lesson ▶8:03
Lely Presbyterian Church Children's Message 06-04-2023 ▶4:05
Children's Sermon: The Good Shepherd (John 10:11-18) for April 25, 2021 ▶7:36
Child Dedication by Zac Poonen ▶24:15
Parent Child Dedication 2019 ▶18:13
A Child is Born - A Sermon on Isaiah 9:6 ▶47:11
Children's Sermon (July 14, 2019) The Good Samaritan ▶7:05
Children's Sermon: Jesus Heals (Mark 1:29-39) ▶8:12
How Mary's Son Became Her Savior | Sermon on Mary Mother of Jesus at the Cross ▶35:07
Children’s Sermon (11/7/24) ▶9:22
1 Samuel Principle 3: Child Dedication ▶12:38
Pastor John's Children Sermon 7/12/15 ▶4:01
The Adoption Of Sons - Chris Reed Full Sermon | MorningStar Ministries ▶1:14:47
Children's moments ▶10:25
A Mother's Prayer for Her Dear Son | Prayer for Your Son ▶4:16
Children's Sermon July 1, 2023: God Will Protect Us ▶5:45
Object lesson on trusting God (that your kids will BEG to do again!) ▶3:59
Death Grief and loss of a son, a mothers journey ▶9:36
Children's Sermon on Jesus Healing the Man Born Blind (John 9) Object Lesson ▶8:56
Become A Little Child – Timothy Keller [Sermon] ▶43:53
Being the Best - Children's Sermon for Mark 10:35-45 ▶2:26
Communion for Kids ▶0:46
October 1, 2023 Children's Sermon ▶3:14
John 3:16 explained | Nicodemus - Cartoon ▶4:56
How to Let Go of Your Adult Children (And Restore Your Sanity!) ▶11:13
Lely Presbyterian Church - Childrens Message ▶4:47
The Plan for Jesus' Birth Luke 1:26-38, Matthew 1:18-25 ▶2:00
Genesis *26 - What Happens When Adult Children Have a Controlling Parent? ▶1:04:32
Aiden’s Baby Dedication | Baby Christian Dedication Ceremony | Christian Baby Dedication ▶11:39
The Presentation of the Christ Child Sermon 2025 ▶27:34
Lely Presbyterian Church Children's Message 08-27-2023 ▶5:23
Child marriage | UNICEF ▶4:05
Jesus Calls Matthew ▶2:24
THE ACTS OF JESUS AS A CHILD (Sermon:15 December 2024) - REV DR MINESH MAISTRY ▶48:04
Is This Young Boy The Future of Religion? ▶9:05
Children's Sermon Lesson Message: 1 Samuel 3:1-21 God Called Samuel ▶7:42
Serving Others | A Lesson About Service ▶4:12
Trump children arrive at swearing-in ceremony ▶2:53


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